Friday, June 27, 2014


What's the best way to attract a Christian Man you might ask, considering that there is a lot of rubbish out there about attracting men, a lot of women have been made to think that the only way to get a guys attention is to dress half naked. Dressing half naked will certainly get you some attention - the wrong kind, from guys who have only one motive - getting laid. If you want advice on attracting men that are decent and love God then you can't go to the world for that information because they can only teach how to attract worldly men, and most worldly men are only interested in one thing - yeap you guessed it!. The funny thing is that even the 'so called' bad boys will go to the girls that let it all hang out for fun and sex, but when it comes to settling down in a long term relationship they are looking for a good and decent girl. So you have to decide which one you want to be, the girl that attracts men who are only looking to get laid or the girl that attracts men who are looking for a long term relationship. How you present yourself greatly determines the kind of guys you will attract. So in response to your Christian dating question on attracting men, here are 6 Godly ways to attract Christian Men

1. The first key to attracting men is to Present yourself well. How you present yourself speaks volumes. Prayer will do its part in attracting a good Christian man to you but you must also do your part by making sure you present yourself well. If prayer alone was enough Esther wouldn't have made all that effort to appear before the king.
You have to remember that men are visual, even the Christian ones and I should know because I am one myself. A guy has to like what he see' you have to present yourself in a way that gets his attention without looking trashy and cheap.

2. The second key to attracting men is to Be confident and secure in yourself. Confidence in itself can make you look attractive. Every guy wants a confident woman. A woman confident in herself, a woman secure in herself, a woman who knows her worth and value and won't settle for just anything and anyone. Men are attracted to that confidence. If you are confident in yourself and learn to love yourself for who you are and the way you look, that will shine through in your personality and the way you carry yourself. Haven't you noticed those women who are not the most beautiful in terms of what we consider natural beauty (whatever natural beauty is to you), but they are confident and still take pride in themselves and their appearance and they end up with a really handsome and godly guy and the other women can't figure out how she did it.

3. The third key to attracting men is to be Friendly and have a soft smiley face. Be someone that people easily get along with, have a reputation for being caring and kind and just being an all round good person.
Learn to wear a smile on your face, I mean if a guy wanted to approach you and you had a 'don't you dare come anywhere near me' kind of face, he will think twice before even saying hello. Have a friendly face that won't scare a guy away. Be a person that's easy to talk to and strike conversations with, relationships are often birthed out of friendships so learn to be friendly.

4. The fourth key to attracting men is to Be respectful. One of the major things that attracts a guy is a woman that has respect for others because he knows that if she respects others she will respect him as her man. More important than beauty is your personality and character, beauty might attract a guy but character and personality will determine whether he stays. Show respect and honor to others, don't be rude to people, one thing about guys is that we observe from afar at first before approaching, especially in church. We might observe a lady we are interested in for weeks and months before making a move, we want to see what she is like, what her reputation is like, what she is like with people. In that time of observation if you see that the lady is rude and loud and has no respect for people then you start to think to yourself that she might treat you that way and disrespect you if you were to hook up with her and you probably switch your interest to another lady after that.

5. The fifth key to attracting men is Be a lover of God. When you truly love God it will shine through in everything you do. Every Christian man admires a lady who is truly a lover of God and spirit filled. 

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